
Showing posts from June, 2018

Kaunas, Lithuania (ALTSCHULL, SHNAYDER)

Kaunas, Lithuania Surnames: ALTSCHULL, SHNAYDER Jewish Population: 1897:  9,468 (60% of 15,780 population) Family Members: Rabbi Barukh Leyb Altschull, 5x GGFather (father of Reizel Kriger) B ~1760 Latvia; M Khana Reyza Altschul ; D 1855 Vilkija, Kaunas Gershon Shnayder, 5x GGFather (father of Morkhel Shnayder) B ~1785 Kaunas History: Kaunas is the second-largest city in Lithuania and the historical centre of Lithuanian economic, academic, and cultural life. Kaunas was the biggest city and the centre of a county in Trakai Municipality of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1413. The town of Kovno was established in the year 1030 by the Lithuanian prince Koinas. Jaroslav, a Russian prince, ultimately defeated Koinas, however. Koinas originally established a fortress and palace on a peninsula in the area where the river Vilya joins the Nemun, in the west.  This eventually became Kovno. From 1031 until 1280, no written records regarding Kovno exist. For the dura...

Varniai, Lithuania (SHENKER, KATS, KHAZAN)

Varniai, Lithuania Surnames: SHENKER, KATS, KHAZAN Jewish Population: 1897:  1,226 (39% of 3,121 population) Family Members: Malka Kats, 3x GGMother (mother of Gitel Shenker) B 1822 Varniai; M Zelman Shenker; D 1855 Varniai Shmuel Kats, 4x GGFather (father of Malka Kats) B 1776 Varniai; M Dvora Kats Dvora Kats, 4x GGMother (mother of Malka Kats) B 1778 Varniai; M Shmuel Kats,  Girsh Kats, 5x GGFather (father of Shmuel Kats) B 1741 - Varniai Iosel Shenker, 4x GGFather (father of Zelman Shenker) B 1797 Varniai; M Gene Shenker ; D 1831 Varniai Khaim Khazan, 5x GGFather (father of Iosel Shenker) B 1779 Varniai; M Bashe Khazan Bashe Khazan, 5x GGMother (mother of Iosel Shenker) B 1788 Varniai; M Khaim Khazan Berel Khazan, 6x GGFather (father of Khaim Khazan) B ~1750 Varniai History: The settlement dates back to the sixteenth century. At that time, a settlement called Medininkai, on the east bank of the stream, included the residence of the Bishop o...

Pasvalys, Lithuania (KHAIT, KRIGER)

Pasvalys, Lithuania Surnames: KHAIT, KRIGER Jewish Population: 1897:  1,590 (60% of 15,780 population) Family Members: Yudel Khait,  Husband of 2nd great-Aunt (Brother-in-law of Celia Kriger) (also Grandson of Bensel Khiat) B 1869 Pasvalys; M Asna Kreiger; D 1933 Tel Aviv Extended family of Kriger's and Khiat's lived in Pasvalys. History: Pasvalys is situated on a hill with the river Posbolka at its feet. A railway connects Pasvalys with Birzai. Prior to World War I there were about 400 Jewish families in Pasvalys; there were also a few Karaite families there, remains of a former Karaite settlement. During World War I, in April 1915 the Jews were exiled into the interior of Russia; not all of them returned at the end of the war (1918). In 1921 there were 525 Jews in Pasvalys; in 1923 - 748 . In independent Lithuania between the two World Wars there was a prayer house in Pasvalys and a Hebrew school of the "Tarbuth" network. Among the local rabbis ra...

Vaskai, Lithuania (KHAIT, KREIGER, SHENKER)

Vaskai, Lithuania (see also Linkova, Lithuania) Surnames: KHAIT, KREIGER, SHENKER Jewish Population: 1897:  440 (50% of 883 population) Family Members: Max Highstein  (Mendel Khait), GGFather (father of Charles Highstein) B 1873 Vashki, Linkova; M Celia Kriger; D 1945 Baltimore Celia Kreiger, GGMother (mother of Charles Highstein) B 1875 Vashki, Linkova; M Max Highstein; D 1935 Baltimore Asna Kreiger, 2nd GAunt (Sister of Celia Kriger) B 1870 Vashki; M Yudel Khait; D 1933 Tel Aviv Gitel Scheinker, GG GMother (mother of Celia Kriger) B ~1850 Vashki, Linkova; M Zusman Kriger; D 1908 Vashki History: Vaskai is first mentioned in historical sources in 1656. In 1701, it was granted the license to hold a weekly market day. During the second half of the 18th century, Vaskai was rebuilt in accordance with a new plan. During the period of Russian Rule (1795-1915), Vaskai was called Konstantinovo and was administratively part of the Vilnius region, and from 1843 it was part of the Kaunas...