
Showing posts from June 4, 2018

Vaskai, Lithuania (KHAIT, KREIGER, SHENKER)

Vaskai, Lithuania (see also Linkova, Lithuania) Surnames: KHAIT, KREIGER, SHENKER Jewish Population: 1897:  440 (50% of 883 population) Family Members: Max Highstein  (Mendel Khait), GGFather (father of Charles Highstein) B 1873 Vashki, Linkova; M Celia Kriger; D 1945 Baltimore Celia Kreiger, GGMother (mother of Charles Highstein) B 1875 Vashki, Linkova; M Max Highstein; D 1935 Baltimore Asna Kreiger, 2nd GAunt (Sister of Celia Kriger) B 1870 Vashki; M Yudel Khait; D 1933 Tel Aviv Gitel Scheinker, GG GMother (mother of Celia Kriger) B ~1850 Vashki, Linkova; M Zusman Kriger; D 1908 Vashki History: Vaskai is first mentioned in historical sources in 1656. In 1701, it was granted the license to hold a weekly market day. During the second half of the 18th century, Vaskai was rebuilt in accordance with a new plan. During the period of Russian Rule (1795-1915), Vaskai was called Konstantinovo and was administratively part of the Vilnius region, and from 1843 it was part of the Kaunas...