Linkova, Lithuania (KHAIT, KREIGER, SHENKER)

Linkova, Lithuania (see also Vashki, Lithuania)


Jewish Population:
1900:  1,213 ( population)

Family Members:
Max Highstein  (Mendel Khait), GGFather (father of Charles Highstein)
B 1873 Vashke, Linkova; M Celia Kriger; D 1945 Baltimore

Celia Kreiger, GGMother (mother of Charles Highstein)
B 1875 Vashke, Linkova; M Max Highstein; D 1935 Baltimore

Asna Kreiger, 2nd GAunt (Sister of Celia Kriger)
B 1870 Vashki; M Yudel Khait; D 1933 Tel Aviv

Gitel Scheinker, GG GMother (mother of Celia Kriger)
B ~1850 Vashke, Linkova; M Zusman Kriger; D 1908 Vashki

Zelman Shenker, 3x GGFather (father of Gitel Scheinker)
B ~ 1820 Linkova; M ; D 1875 Varniai

Abram/Abel Kriger, 4x GGFather (father of Eliash Kriger, GFather of Zusman Kriger)  
B ~1800 Linkova; M Reizel Altschul

Izrael Kriger,  5x GGFather (father of Abram Kriger)
B 1747 Linkova; D 1831

Benjamin Kriger,  6x GGFather (father of Izrael Kriger)
B ~1725 Linkova

Linkova is near Pokroi (9 miles), Yanishkel (9), Poshvitin (9), Vashki (11), Zhaimel (13) and Posvol (18), near the Musha River. There was a Jewish settlement 3 miles away in the Village of Pamusha. 

The town was founded in the sixteenth century. Until World War I, the town had neither roads nor rail lines. In 1915, the Germans laid a narrow track near the town, and the town began to develop. In 1924, the town was in the news because of a blood-libel case. 

Before World War I, 300 Jewish families lived there, working in trade, mainly flax, in crafts and small-scale agriculture. They depended heavily on 2 market days per week, Mondays and Fridays, and the annual fair which lasted for 8 days, July 15-23. There was a large flour mill in Linkova owned by Jews. The Jewish Peoples Bank had 167 members. In 1923, the Jewish population was 625. 

In 1883, the town was engulfed in flames and many buildings, including the wooden synagogue, bumed down. The synagogue was never rebuilt. There remained one beit midrash and a kloiz. 

The youth participated in Young Pioneers and Gordonia, both of which had educational activities in their chapters. 

When the Germans entered the town, on June 28, 1941, the jews there numbered about 1,000. On June 30 ten young jewish men were murdered in a sandpit near the catholic cemetery; one of the young men succeeded in escaping and hiding for half a year; finally he was delivered into lithuanian hands and murdered by his former classmates.

On July 1, during the night, the Lithuanians murdered a number of old jews. On july 2 at dawn entire families were taken from their homes according to a list and sent to the prison at siauliai; most of them were murdered; a small number remained in the ghetto of siauliai and shared the fate of the local jews; a few, mostly women and children returned to Linkuva.

On July 23 all the Linkuva jews, about 700 men, women and children were taken to a nearby forest and shot to death there. Lithuanians from Linkuva were among the murderers.

3 Khait's from Linkova were known to have died in the Shoah.


Market Day


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