Aug 20 - A Walk to the Baltic

This morning when I awoke in Klaipeda, I thought about where to walk after a 1/2 mile in desolate streets and strip mall parking lots. I decided what the heck and headed to the ferry for a ride over to the Curonian Spit and a walk across the "island" to the Baltic.

I made the 8:20 ferry and the walk was only about 1.5 miles across, but it seemed longer and I was concerned about getting back to the hotel by 9:30. It worked out ok, and I had a short walk on the beach with not a soul in sight, except for a tractor in the distance. On the way back I just made the 9:20 ferry as a large container ship delayed launch, and the crew was nice enough to lower the ramp to allow me to board.

Definitely worth the excursion. Saw the morning sun over the dunes as was the case in California. This was a nice distraction from the emotional parts of this trip.


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