IAJGS - 30-Jul-2019

After my 2nd full day at the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS), I’m thinking back on all the sessions I attended and the people I’ve met.


It’s fun sitting at a meal or in the meeting spaces sharing trips we took to Eastern Europe, last year and comparing notes on what we saw, experienced, and the emotions we felt. We talk about plans to engage in cemetery cleanup, erecting / replacing monuments at killing fields, and going back with other family members. We also get an opportunity to share pictures of the places we visited and compare notes on tour guides we used and stories we heard. It a great opportunity to relive these important moments.

Shared Jewish Landmark in Siauliai (shall-ay)

Status of Cemeteries

Cemetery Cleanup

Sessions of note include Lara Diamond’s talk on endogamy https://larasgenealogy.blogspot.com/2017/03/endogamy-in-practice-updated.html?m=1Amy Wach’s talk on migration patterns; Janette Silverman’s talk on connecting historical events to your ancestors personal stories; and Mel Werbach’s story of finding rabbinical and financially successful ancestors.



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