Grand Canyon - Day 4 - Saturday 4/24/2021

The ram’s horn called us to Coffee and again to Breakfast Burritos as we packed up for Rapid Day. We were promised 53 rapids today, more than the prior 3 days put together.

Our first rapid of the day was Hance (8 of 10) that I took in my usual spot out on the left side of the “rack.”  It was non-stop rock ‘n roll as we approached Phantom Ranch and the Kaibab Suspension Bridge. Folks above were taking pictures as we passed by. I called out asking if they’d share ... they seemed receptive until I called out my mobile number then the ignored me (nasty landlubbers.)

We continued to enjoy rapids minute by minute including Rancid Tuna and the Gems. At Ruby Rapid (I have a dog named Ruby) I again lost my balance and this time was my legs through forward and I ended up on my back laughing hysterically ... no Lauren rescue, but I gave the audience a show. 

Ruby Rapid:

25 Min of Non-stop Action: (updated)

We stopped for a sandwich lunch on a beach where we could admire the Vishnu-Shist, a 2 Billion year old rock layer that can only be found in 3 places worldwide. These rocks are supposedly almost as hard as diamonds. They are pitch black and are extremely smooth to the touch.

About 9 rapids later, we finally stopped for a photo shoot at Elves Chasm. We got some interesting shots as the light found its way into different rock formations and water pools.

Just a few rapids later; tired, wet, and cold we pulled ashore on the most barren sandbar you could imagine. I cried out you’ve got to be kidding? Even Gilligan couldn’t make a home here.

Our group setup camp on the south shore lining our cots along the waterline as sand would not blow off of the water. The open air latrine was set up in the only brush anywhere on the beach, and so it had the best view thus far. Below, Rich and I are waving at EarthCam to participate in our Scouts Virtual Camping Trip.

Mexican Night! As appetizers we had Joe Clark’s world famous guacamole and chips. I’d say it was as fine as any restaurant custom guac! The main course was chicken fajitas with onion, multiple peppers, and the works; sour cream, salsa, jalapeños, etc.

I did have to move my cot back as night fell because the water was lapping at the high water mark on the beach and osmosis had dampened the sand beneath my cot. But, all was good.


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