Lithuania Tour Draft

Following is the itinerary developed with Marius to visit Birzai, Pasviten, Linkova, Pasvalys, Krekenava, Pumpėnai, and Varniai in Lithuania:

Aug 14 - Day 1: Jewish heritage sites tour in Vilnius+Ponar memorial site (murder site of 70 000 Vilna jews).

Aug 15 - Day 2: Leave Vilnius and drive to BIRZAI (en route stop in PUMPENAI, PASVALYS) overnight in BIRZAI.

Aug 16 - Day3: Leave Biržai and head to LINKOVA and PASVITEN. After Pasviten head to Pakruojis (beautifull synagogue ,former shtetl), and onto Siauliai (Shavli famous jewish town with heritage sites) for overnight.

Aug 17 - Day 4: Leave Siauliai -en route stop in famous shtetl Shadeve (Benyamin Netanyahu is from Shadeve, it’s a unique shtetl) next stop KREKENAVA, then head to Kedainiai (KEYDAN) best kept jewish heritage place in Lithuania. (Vilna Gaon studied in Kedainiai) End in Kaunas (Kovne) second city of Lithuania and 2nd most occupied by jewish community and rich heritage, for overnight.

Aug 18 - Day 5: Sightseeing in Kaunas (Kovne) stop in VARNIAI, and end in Telsiai (Telz), one of centres of jewry in Lithuania, sightseeing there for overnight.

Aug 19 - Day 6: Leave Telsiai and trip to Klaipeda (our port but also 3rd city of Lithuania on the coast of Baltic Sea). We’ll go to UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE  Nida(sand dunes,nature site, beaches, sea and Curonian lagoon. Late night back to Klaipeda for overnight.

Aug 20 - Day 7: Leave Klaipeda and arrival in Vilnius(4 hours trip via higway, if we have that day time half way we can go via former Napoleon and German teritories Eastern Prussia). Late arrival in Vilnius.

Aug 21 - Early flight back to States.

The transportation by tour guide/interpreter’s car, should be not more than 2000 km.


  1. Added Snyder family tree to the Lithuania Tour information


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