
Showing posts from August 20, 2018

Aug 12 - Rivne, Ukraine

Rivne was close to 60% Jewish in the early 1900’s. We had a lovely introduction be Viktoria Chymshyt who met us a the local synagogue where she works as an Administrator. I met Vik online in the Rivne genealogy facebook group. She shared that 30-38k Jewish people lived in Rivne, and all but 19 perished.   She indicated that the Soviet’s estimate of 17,500 was extremely low. She gave us directions to the Memorial site where there were 2 sets of memorials. The first prepared by the Soviets does not mention the citizens killed by the Nazi’s as Jews. The second monument created by Israeli repeats the figures but honors the Jews. It includes 69 tablets with names in 3 columns but only about 4200 are identified.   Oks and Gertzberg’s died in the Rivne akton; likely cousins of ours. On the way to Lutzk we stopped at the Tunnel of Love, a romantic site that is a railway, where a train slowly passes once daily. The shade trees make a splendid emerald tunnel for 7km. But of c...

Aug 20 - A Walk to the Baltic

This morning when I awoke in Klaipeda, I thought about where to walk after a 1/2 mile in desolate streets and strip mall parking lots. I decided what the heck and headed to the ferry for a ride over to the Curonian Spit and a walk across the "island" to the Baltic. I made the 8:20 ferry and the walk was only about 1.5 miles across, but it seemed longer and I was concerned about getting back to the hotel by 9:30. It worked out ok, and I had a short walk on the beach with not a soul in sight, except for a tractor in the distance. On the way back I just made the 9:20 ferry as a large container ship delayed launch, and the crew was nice enough to lower the ramp to allow me to board. Definitely worth the excursion. Saw the morning sun over the dunes as was the case in California. This was a nice distraction from the emotional parts of this trip.

Aug 20 - Oflager 53

In East Prussia the Germans used concentration camps, to bring people from all around the region for extermination. Oflager 53 is a camp we visited on our tour back to Vilnius as we traveled the southern route.  At Oflager 53 as with other concentration camps, use of bullets is considered expensive, so the Nazi sadistic bustards, find more cost effective ways to eliminate the Jews and sympathizers. Baltic Sea sand is extremely fine, so the Nazis buried people in sand pits and they drown in the “quick sand”. Also, since they are in the woods people were tied to trees and burned alive. So much for humane solutions. Back to the reality of Eastern Europe following 2 days of fun in the sun. A Train station is conveniently near by: