
Showing posts from June 27, 2020

Introduction to Jewish Genealogy at Temple Beth Ami for Live & Learn

Suzanne Fialkoff a friend, temple member, and co-genealogy junkie who has been doing research for 30 years, and I were invited to present a three week class as an Introduction to Jewish Genealogy , Tuesday 6/2, 6/9, and 6/16/2020 for the Live & Learn  series of classes at our synagogue,  Temple Beth Ami . The class was extremely well received with well over 40 participants each week. It was truly a mitzvah to me able to encourage our temple members to consider exploring their Jewish roots. Based on feedback, I know of a few folks who were inspired to get started or renew where they'd left off. We did not record the sessions for privacy reasons, but following are the handouts and responses to chat questions: Handouts Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Chats Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Highlights of the class includes a fe...