
Showing posts from May 5, 2021

Grand Canyon - Day 5 - Sunday 4/25/2021

The Ram’s horn called us to Coffee and OJ. I apologized to Lauren for their selection of camp locations, as I slept extremely well on this barren sandbar. Sleeping next to the river was very calming and our choice of locations made for no blowing sand for us. Breakfast was French-toast, Pork chops, and applesauce and real maple syrup.   We started with a short float through 2 small rapids and arrived at Blacktail Falls. This involved a short hike to the back of a small canyon where we found a delightful waterfall spilling into a small pool of water with little fish.   We all took turns standing in the waterfall for a refreshing shower and a picture moment. I was able track down a picture of me from one of my traveling partners (Clare McManus). For lunch we stopped on a pleasant little beach and had Tuna Wraps. After a dozen rapids including Bedrock, Deubendorff, and Upset Rapids we arrived at another chasm. The day ended early at Deer Creek Falls and we camped across the stree...