Simchat Torah 5782


Today is Simchat Torah 5782. 

At Temple this morning we celebrated the Festival Service followed by Yizkor Service. Between the two, Rabbi Gary Pokras’ sermon connected them both by explaining how the stories in the Torah are the stories of our ancestors. As we proceed to remember those who have passed, also remember our ancestors from long ago. 

This got me to thinking about my more recent ancestors who I have honored by including them in my Genealogy. 

So on Simchat Torah, I remember …

Shalom Volf Altschul, Ajzik Barbas, Tsipa Bashes, Abram Bashes, Enta Bashes, Peisakh Bashes, Rafel Bashes, Abram Bashes, Lena Bass, Sarah Sheva Bass, Abraham Bass, Yetta Musicant Bass, Louis Yehuda Bass, Peisakh Bass, Simon Bass, Lotta Bass, Moshe Tzvi Galon, Shimon Lejbovich Gertsberg, Lejb Shulimovich Gertsberg, Shulim Gertsberg, Khaya Gertsberg., Chane Gisa Gertzberg, Rachel Ochs Gouline, Jacob Israel Gouline, Jeanne Gouline Highstein, Charles Izrail Highstein, Celia Kreiger Highstein, Max Mendel Highstein, Dvora Kats, Shmuel Kats, Girsh Kats, Iankel Khaet, Minukha Khait, Itsyk David Khait, Rivka Paliukar Khait, Bentsel Khait, Shmuil Khait, Movsha Khait, Bashe Khazan, Khaim Khazan, Berel Khazan, Gitel Scheinker Kreiger, Zusman Kreiger, Ester Kriger, Eliash Kriger, Izrael Kriger, Abram Abel Kriger, Benjamin Kriger, Reizel Tamshe Kriger, Jacob Musicant, Dora Musicant, Nekha Shkurnik Oks, Shabsa Saftl Oks, Abram Oks, Khaim Oks, Mendil Oks, Khaim Oks, Brukha Oks, Pesya Oks, Feiga Paliukar, Itsek Paliukar, Shmulo Paliukar, Berel Paliukar, Malka Kats Shenker, Zelman Shenker, Gene Shenker, Iosel Shenker, Sheyndil Gertsberg Shkurnik, Yosef Shkurnik, Shalom Avner Shkurnik, Khaya Barbas Shkurnik, Meir Shkurnik, Shmuel Shnayder, Zelik David Shnayder, Tauba Riva Shnayder, Mortkhel Shnayder, Gershon Shnayder, S. Sidney Snyder, Isaac Mike Snyder, Yeshua Snyder, Mamie Snyder, Iosel Tamshe, Roza Altschul Tamshe, Movsha Tamshe, Chana Tamshe, Kotayl ben Yitzchak, Tankel Zaidel, and Uria Zaidel.

May their lives be for blessing.

Chag Sameach!


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